Decide It's Your Turn®: The Podcast

Why you need female friends

Episode Summary

Amy Ledin is the Co-Owner and Operator at Lean Bodies Consulting. has been in the online wellness space for over a decade. Her coaching in this space has led to her passion in helping women build strong personal integrity. Fighting cancer for now close to 7 years, Amy loves sharing her mindset hacks and strategies that helped her through her fight to not just be a survivor, but an overcomer.

Episode Notes

Amy Ledin is the Co-Owner and Operator at Lean Bodies Consulting. has been in the online wellness space for over a decade. Her coaching in this space has led to her passion in helping women build strong personal integrity. Fighting cancer for now close to 7 years, Amy loves sharing her mindset hacks and strategies that helped her through her fight to not just be a survivor, but an overcomer.


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will help you realize that at any moment, any day, you too can decide, it’s your



Decide It’s Your Turn! Podcast


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